Privacy policy


Purposes of the Privacy Policy

The purpose of this document is to allow Users to be informed of the use of their personal data by the company « TravelAssist », S.A.S. with a capital of 14,260 euros, located at 9 Bd Lieutenant Maurice Knoblauch 42000 Saint-Étienne, registered in the Trade and Companies Register under number 848 097 275 RCS SAINT ETIENNE, within the context of their use of the website at the address

This privacy policy applies to the website The terms and conditions governing the use of this site are set forth in the « Terms and Conditions » established by the company « TravelAssit ».

The company « TravelAssist » informs its Users that the services it provides involve the use of instant messaging software and applications. The User is therefore invited to also take note of the privacy policies established by the said instant messengers, with regard to the personal data collected.

The designated data controller is the company  » TravelAssist « , S.A.S. with a capital of 14.260 euros, located at 9 Bd Lieutenant Maurice Knoblauch 42000 Saint-Étienne, registered at the RCS of SAINT ETIENNE under the number 848 097 275 which is represented by Mr. Tristan DAUBE, CEO.


The company « TravelAssist » uses the personal data of Users only in the cases provided for by the regulations in force, namely:

  • The execution of a contract concluded with the User, and/or
  • The respect of a legal obligation, and/or
  • The User’s consent to the use of his data, and/or
  • The existence of a legitimate interest in using the User’s data. Legitimate interest is a set of commercial or business reasons that justifies the use of data by the company « TravelAssist ».

Rights granted to Users

The following rights are granted to Users:

  • Right of access: the right to be informed and to request access to personal data processed;
  • Right of rectification: the right to request to modify or update the personal data of Users when they are inaccurate or incomplete;
  • Right to be forgotten: the right to request the permanent deletion of Users’ personal data;
  • Right of restriction: the right to request to temporarily or permanently stop the processing of all or part of the Users’ personal data;
  • Right of refusal:
    – the right to refuse at any time the processing of the User’s personal data for reasons specific to the User;
    – the right to refuse the processing of the User’s personal data for direct marketing purposes;
  • Right to data portability: the right to request a copy of the User’s personal data in electronic format and the right to transmit such personal data for use by a third party service;
  • Right not to be subjected to automated decision making: the right not to be subjected to a decision based solely on automated decision making, including profiling, where the decision would have a legal effect on the User or produce a similar significant effect.

The User may exercise these rights at any time by making any request to the company « TravelAssist », which can be reached:

  • By mail to the address: 9 Bd Lieutenant Maurice Knoblauch 42000 Saint-Étienne,
  • By Email at :
  • By phone at 09 73 03 77 07 (or via WhatsApp at 07 86 28 68 33)

In the event of an unsatisfactory response, the User is informed that he or she may file a complaint with the Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL).

1- Procedure for collecting personal data:

The User’s personal data is collected through the following procedures:

Data transmitted directly by the User :

When registering on the website, the User is required to complete fields including a valid email address, a surname, a first name, a telephone number, gender, language and, if applicable, a company name as well as the choice of a login and password.

Data collected during the commercial relationship :

The data that are collected during the commercial relationship with the User.

Data collected automatically:

This includes data collected through cookies, through standard Internet technologies.

The data collected is necessary for the use of the website services.

Users are reminded that they may change their mind at any time and withdraw their consent to the said data collection.

2- Category of personal data collected:collectées :

At the time of registration of the User :

These are the personal data provided by the User or collected in order to allow him to register and use the services of the website. It includes a valid email address, a surname, a first name, a telephone number, gender, language, profession, if applicable a company name as well as the choice of a login and password.

When using the website services and instant messaging :

This is the personal data of the User that is collected when using the website and instant messaging services, it may include:

  • Geolocation,
  • Interactions with the services offered on the website and instant messaging, such as the identification and duration of the content consulted.
  • Interactions with customer service.
  • Technical data such as URLs, IP addresses
  • Name and surname
  • Email address
  • Mailing address (if purchasing services)
  • Company name (for companies)
  • Gender
  • Language
  • Profession
  • Cookies

The site uses cookie technology to improve navigation and the experience of Users. During the consultation of the site, these cookies may be recorded on the browsers of the medium used, whatever the terminal (computer, tablet, smartphone). They are used in particular during the identification for analyses of the frequentation and the use of the elements of the site. At any time, visitors can decide to accept or refuse the use of cookies and modify their preferences.

The cookie has a validity period that varies according to the type of cookie and allows the visitor to be recognized the next time he or she uses the website. In any case, this duration does not exceed 13 months.

Visitors can decide to accept or refuse cookies while browsing the site. To this end, the Company displays a banner on its site inviting the visitor to accept cookies. As long as the visitor has not given his consent to the collection of cookies, no cookie can be deposited on his terminal, with the exception of cookies exempted from the collection of consent insofar as they are strictly necessary for the provision of a service expressly requested by the User.

TravelAssist does not collect any sensitive data about the User. The following are considered sensitive data: racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, membership in a trade union, data relating to health or sexual orientation.

3- Use of the User’s personal data:

When using the services of the website and instant messengers, the company « TravelAssist » processes personal data of the User through the use of different technologies, according to the following description, legal basis and categories of personal data:

Reason for processing the User’s personal dataLegal basis of the processing carried outCategories of personal data used for the purpose of processing
Provision of website and instant messaging services, improvement and personalization of the User’s experiencePerformance of the contract,Legitimate interests,Consent.User’s registration data, User’s service usage data.
To understand how the User accesses and uses the website and instant messaging services in order to ensure the technical functionality of the services, develop new products and services.Performance of the contract, legitimate interests.User’s registration data, User’s service usage data.
Communications between the User and the customer service.Performance of the contract, legitimate interests.User’s registration data, User’s service usage data.
Providing features, information, advertising or any content to the User.Consent.Data of use of the services by the User.

4- Sharing of personal data:

Publicly available information


People who may have access to your data:

TravelAssist’s employees are members of the administrative, accounting and management control, IT, community management, marketing and sales departments.

TravelAssist’s employees who are members of the administrative, accounting and management control, IT, community management, marketing and sales departments.

Their access to your data is based on signed contracts that include their obligations to protect the security and confidentiality of the data.

Police, judicial or administrative authorities may also have access to your data when « TravelAssist » has a legal obligation to do so or in order to guarantee the rights, property and safety of its structure.

It is specified that the hosting of the website is done at :

2 rue Kellermann
BP 80157

Information that « TravelAssist » may share:

  • Geolocation
  • Name and first name
  • Email address
  • Language
  • Gender
  • Profession
  • Mailing address (if purchasing services)
  • Company name (for companies)
  • IP address
  • Cookies

5- Data retention and deletion:

The personal data collected from the User is kept for a period of time in accordance with the legal provisions and proportionate to the purposes for which it was recorded.

It is retained for as long as necessary to provide the website services, instant messaging, and for legitimate and essential business purposes, such as maintaining efficient services, making data-driven decisions about new features, complying with legal obligations.

Retention periods vary depending on whether TravelAssist has an ongoing contractual relationship with the User (active customer), or whether TravelAssist has had a past contractual relationship with the User (inactive customer) or whether there has never been such a relationship (prospect). The data related to the navigation on the site and collected by the cookies authorized by the User have a specific retention period.

The table below shows the main data retention periods.

In any event, « TravelAssist » regularly reviews the information held on its Users.

Data categoriesPurposesDuration of the conservation
All data related to a prospectConstitution and management of a file of prospects3 years from the date of collection of the data or the last contact from the prospect
All data related to an active clientCustomer account managementFor the duration of the contractual relationship
Identification and contact data, registration for newsletters relating to an inactive customerTo send information on the evolution of the offers3 years maximum from the date of unsubscription or the last contact from the customer
Data related to the navigation on the website generated by cookiesOperation and optimization of servicesPersonalization of content and advertising13 months maximum

At the User’s request, « TravelAssist » will delete or anonymize personal data so that the User can no longer be identified, unless otherwise required by law, in particular under the following conditions

  • If there is an ongoing difficulty with the User regarding his account, including an unresolved dispute. The data is kept for the time it takes to resolve the dispute.
  • TravelAssist » is required to retain personal data for legal, tax and accounting purposes. The data is kept for the legally required period.
  • If the data is required for the purpose of maintaining the security of the Users.

6- Transfer to other countries :

The data is not transferred to countries other than the country of the headquarters of the company « TravelAssist ».

7- Security of personal data:

The company « TravelAssist », in its capacity as data controller, implements appropriate technical and organizational measures in accordance with applicable legal provisions, to protect Users’ personal data against alteration, accidental or unlawful loss, use, disclosure or unauthorized access, including:

  • Awareness of the confidentiality requirements for employees who have access to personal data
  • Securing access to premises and computer platforms;
  • Implementing a general IT security policy for the company;
  • Securing access, sharing and transfer of data;
  • The high level of data protection requirements when selecting subcontractors and partners.

8- Minors :

TravelAssist reminds Users, in accordance with the applicable regulations, that it has implemented a process relating to the processing of data of minors within the meaning of the European Regulation. Thus, when the child is under 16 years of age, the processing of personal data concerning him or her is only lawful if consent is given by the holder of parental responsibility.

In any event, « TravelAssist » makes its best efforts, given the technological means available, not to collect personal data from children under the age of 16 without the prior consent of the holder of parental responsibility.

9- Changes to the Privacy Policy:

TravelAssist may make changes to this privacy policy at any time.

In such a situation, the User will be informed through appropriate notifications, including by email.

10- Consent to the collection of personal data:

By accepting these terms, the User authorizes « TravelAssist » to proceed with the processing of his/her personal data necessary for the processing of his/her file, under the conditions and according to the terms agreed upon herein.